Friday, March 4, 2011

Here Ya Go, Ya Brats

I have never met someone who has wanted to be merely mentioned in my blog. The trouble they have gone through to bribe me into doing so has finally paid off. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce you to Megan Cotter and Lindsay Hedlund. I'm going to go in alphabetical order..

She doesn't really look like this, but I found it amusing

Megan Cotter: Megan Megan Megan. What can I say about her other than she simply goes by Cotter, Cot, or Funky Cheese. The first thing I remember about Megan was, "Dang, that girl has some blue eyes." I don't really remember how I first met her...oops. The only thing that matters is that I met her right? She's been an awesome friend throughout my life in college. I take pride in the fact that I took her to CRU spring banquet my freshman year when she was a senior. And who can forget the Bible Study mixers set up by the one and only Brett Marcos and Millie Bratcher. And then there was the time that I spent the night in her sister's bed..creeped out yet? Don't worry, the sister wasn't there. I know that Cotter does not like to try new foods. When she's convinced that she doesn't like something (even when she's never tried it before), she's quite adamant about never ever having it..ever. Cotter also LOVES it when you touch her neck. The next time you see her, do that and she will be your best friend. Weirdness aside, she's still super cool.

Lindsay Marie Hedlund. My first vivid memory of this girl was when we were at one of those aforementioned mixers and I thought to myself, "That girl the weirdest and loudest girl alive." So yes, Lindsay, I noticed you, but it probably wasn't the light you wanted to be seen in..or maybe it was, being you..Lindsay LOVES attention. Some of the things she does to get that attention just blows my mind, but makes me laugh hysterically all the same, (ex: emotion: sad, hummmpph..just a little inside joke for us peeps). I didn't become friends with her until my sophomore year, but it's been a good friendship, full of bickering about whom Millie loves more (obviously me) and crazy shenanigans around the Hub City. Lindsay LOVES to be hugged. The next time you see her, just give her a big bear hug for a solid 10 seconds. She will immediately become your best friend as a result. I have also slept in Lindsay's bed, weird I know...don't worry, she was not sleeping next to me. She's fun to make fun of, but beware, she can dish it out just as well. Just looking at these pictures will show you the essence of Lindsay Hedlund in all of her glory.
Bottom line..these girls are awesome, but better yet, THEY ARE MY GOOD LUCK CHARM! Fo real, my batting average in softball improves drastically when they are in attendance, rather than when they are not. That's really the only reason I keep them around...Ok maybe not..maybe they're truly amazing friends who I could never replace. There ya go, there's your blog, hope you enjoy it.