Monday, August 23, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings, New Opportunities, New Blessings

Hello again. Well it's official, I am back in the LBK. After 8 solid hours of cleaning and rearranging the Testosterhome (with no a/c on), it has finally become livable again. Some new features include: An actual living room, a bicycle workstation/storage space, and a wall of inspiration. We've got a new group of tenants at T-Home this year (Isaac, Stuart, Matt, Todd) as well as Daniel and myself. As I sit here beneath the wall of inspiration, feeling like I can write a novel, you may be wondering..why don't we turn on the a/c? Well here is the reasoning, 1) we basically live in a shed 2) being that we live in a shed, the insulation that we have isn't really Grade A stuff. But I digress, we are poor college students and in order to keep costs down, some sacrifices have to be made.

I am excited for this year. I think God has some pretty awesome things in store. Four day weekends won't be too shabby as well.. I shall be improving my culinary skills over the course of this year as so if you live in Lubbock and want some good cookin, you probably don't want to come over. That's all I have for now..I will leave you with this:

1) Song recommendation: Soco Amaretto Lime by Brand New
2) Movie recommendation: Law Abiding Citizen
3) We got internet today, so thank Suddenlink for your ability to read this literary masterpiece.
4) Sweating inside your own house is not the most appealing thing in the world..

Until we meet again. Peace

Monday, August 16, 2010

Why we live on "The Block"

Hello everyone,
If you are reading this, congratulations, you are now cooler than the person to both your left and your right. If there is no one to your left or right except for several cats, not even this amazing blog can make you cool..which brings me to my first thought of the day, I'm a realist. I am sorry if this offends you, but I will tell you how it is straight up. Respect.

Now on to the main topic. Why do I say that I live on "the block?" There are a couple reasons why this is so. First, there are three known drug dealers within fifty feet from my house. Not enough? How about the fact that we are right on the edge of what is considered the projects of Lubbock. Still not satisfied? This past summer, we have had two fatalities, one being a gruesome murder and the other being a freak drowning accident (R.I.P. Dave "Russell Brand"). Anyway, I love living in Testosterhome and would not live anywhere else if given the chance and the added danger brings a little more excitement to my life.

I have a several final thoughts:
1) The Atlanta Braves are still in first place in their ya
2) music recommendation: Dance or Die by Family Force Five
3) movie recommendation: Despicable Me
4) New Mexico still reigns atop my list of most evil places in the world followed by North Korea.

Until we meet again. God bless