Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blogging On the Road!

Even though I’m posting this now, this blog post was made on the move.  Let me tell ya right now, I used to think New Mexico had the worst roads in the world, but I stand corrected. Oklahoma has supplanted New Mexico as king of the worst roads. Going through Oklahoma City alone is like being on a wooden roller coaster ride from hell. Just a hazard of blogging on the road I suppose. Mexico is 3 weeks away and Brent’s Beach Bod Extravaganza is still going strong. I’ve lost 7 pounds and I’m starting to develop some killer obliques (If you don’t know what those are, look them up, they’re awesome). Starting tomorrow, I’m implementing the Insanity workout into my regimen. Am I insane? (The answer to that is a resounding heck yeah.). However, I’ve decided that if it came down to having a 6-pack or drinking Dr. Pepper, I would choose Dr. Pepper. I will never be able to give it up. It is the blood in my veins.
I recently turned 21…Ohhhhh yeah PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!! Or not… I’ve  had a total of 7 drinks since I’ve turned 21 and that was in the first 3 days after my birthday. I guess I keep forgetting I’m 21, but that’s probably a good thing, especially when I’m working towards my beach bod. Today, however, I bought some beer for my friend’s parents as a gift of thankfulness. It was around noon and judgmental eyes were meeting me everywhere I went. Seriously? In Arkansas? C’mon, they condone cousins getting married, but everyone’s up in arms the moment I buy two cases of Busch at noon…It’s time to get your priorities straight Arkansas (sorry for doggin on your state Kaylie and Heather, but this had to be addressed). 
I have an observation I made earlier last week for those that follow my twitter. For those that don’t follow me on twitter, follow me. For now, I’ll share this observation with you this one time. Walking to class one brisk morning, I counted 6, yes 6 girls wearing leggings as pants. ABSURD!!! Women, leggings are not pants. This brings me back to a memory of a Seinfeld episode where Elaine gives her friend a bra as a gift and she ends up wearing it solely as a top. It’s just not right people. You are causing men to stumble wherever you go. If this doesn’t stop, you will have forced my hand. I will wear my compression shorts as shorts in public to make a point. Don’t tempt me, you know I’ll do it. No one, I repeat, NO ONE, wants to see me do this, so do everyone a favor and cover up ladies.
Next item on my agenda,  let me tell you a little about the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) Initiative: Implemented in October 2008, this $787 billion program served as an attempt to boost our struggling economy..I’m just kidding, I’m not going to talk to you about that, even though I know you’re extremely interested in it. It’s much better for me to tell you about it in person so ask me about it sometime.
So  let’s recap what you’ve learned here today: Oklahoma roads suck, my body is becoming chiseled like I was sculpted by Michelangelo himself, the entire state of Arkansas is extremely judgmental if you buy a large amount of alcohol early in the day, women need not wear leggings as pants anymore, lest they subject everyone to the horrid sight of me wearing compression shorts as shorts,  and a brief overview of the TARP Program. I hope you have enjoyed yet another edition of my blog. Until next time..Adios
P.S. This video has brought hours of laughter to me. I hope it does the same for you. Who doesn’t love dancing pandas?